OTL amps with Wilson Watt/Puppy 6s

OK I'm in the market looking for an OTL amp to mate with a pair of Wilson Watt/Puppy 6s. The speakers are rated at 93 dB and 4 ohms. My room size is 16 x 19 x 8 so its not too large or too small. So far I have on my list:

Joule Electra

Are there any others that people recommend I consider?
Those are all excellent amps. We just took a pair of Joule Electra Marquis to a customers home who has already great mono blocks the Nemo's with the Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and they were stunning. These are great amps although they do warm up a room.

On page 147 of the latest Absolute Sound Harry Pearson has a nice short review about the Joule Electra mono blocks under Golden Ears.
bryan..i can whole-heartedly vote for the tenors..i recently bought a pair of the 75 wi's to go with my piega p10s that are 89db efficient. they are superb amps. they are the most musical,transparent,tonally correct amps i have ever heard.they will drive your wilsons' easily and give you the most breathtakingly beautiful music,imo,you have ever heard.let me know if i can be more help. dave smith 'calloway'
David Berning ZH-270, stable into 2 ohms (maybe a little less), does not use up alot of power and has way more bass than most of the other OTL's you have mentioned, also utilizes quite possibly the most advanced power supply within the audio realm. It also INCREASES output power as impedence curve dips, not the opposite like the other OTL amplifiers. You may also adjust feedback on the fly, auto biasing, has A/B input switches for use direct with a source if thats what you wish, boasts a 20 year life span on tubes and uses way, way less idle power and less power at full ouput than the other power mongers out there. You may also utilize the channel strapping option with (2) ZH-270's which will provide you with 105W @ 8 ohms. My single 270 is happy as ever running full-range Soundlab Pristine ll's with no problems. What other amplifier that weighs 9 pounds puts out enough power to drive full-range SL's?? Notta, none.

Best of luck,
From everything I've read about OTL's, mating them with a low impedance load like the WATT/Puppy is a no no. I personally wouldn't do it. My WATTS go to LESS than 2 ohms in the critical midrange, even though they are a nominal 4 ohm speaker. You'll get some thin sounding speakers IMHO. They also have some very wild impedance swings with frequency, they are a tough load to follow. OTL's like high impedance speakers. I suggest the Coincident line (10-14 ohm load) as a better match with OTL's, if that is what gets your heart a-pumpin'. Good luck.