adcom gfa 555 vs 555 II

I am planning to buy an used adcom gfa 555.
I was wondering if I should buy gfa 555 or 555II.
Any of you heard the difference between these 2 models ?
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buy a used chiro c-200. much better amp than either one. i had both the mk1 and 2 recently and the chiro killed them both in every way. but if you must go with adcom, i think the sereis one was smoother myself. compareing the chiro to the adcoms , i will put it this way the chiro is high end , very comparible to a krell kst 100. the adcoms sound weaker . you can also buy chiros for the same money as adcoms. i have one as a spare and not one for sale so i am not pumping my sale. if you start spending more money then i might talk of other amps as well. good luck.
Kirk930 is correct. Chiro great choice, and actually I would tell you to look at the Bryston 3B if you have to have a "name" amp. Not as many watts, yeah, I guess on paper, but actually delivers a deeper bass, especially to a 4 ohm load. probably a touch more money, but I just saw one sell for $400 shipped from Canada, so they can be had.
Did you know that Adcom amps are good candidates for modding? I spent $300 to have a 555 hot rodded and have kept it (primarliy as a backup) while others have come and gone. Modding opened mine up and provided sonic benefits which far outweighed the cost of the upgrades.