Looking for an amp for my Proac 1.5's.


I've recently purchased a pair of Proac 1.5's. Great speakers. Currently running an older ADCOM GFA 555 200 w/ch.

Looking to upgrade amp and preamp and looking for suggestions.

Also, a buddy has an old Threshold s150 Class A amp for sale - would that be a good fit?
Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
Phil, congrats on your ProAc purchase. I've owned Tablette 50 Signatures for 9 months and during that time have had them hooked up to a Simaudio Moon I-5, Electrocompaniet ECI-3 and now to Blue Circle Audio BC21/BC22 separates. For me the Tab 50s sound their best with the Blue Circle setup. By far.

I've heard other people say that ProAcs performed best when run with tube equipment, and my experience bears that out. With the Simaudio and Electrocompaniet, my ProAcs sounded thin or glassy at times, but having a tube preamp cured all that. Through the Blue Circle gear my Tab 50s reproduce female vocals and acoustic instruments with startling clarity and warmth. And boy-o-boy you'll love the way your 1.5s will image once you find the right amp. Wide, deep and very focused.

My suggestion would be to look into and try to audition Conrad Johnson, Rogue Audio and Audio Research gear for starters. The Threshold amp might work, but I would consider mating it to a tube preamp.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
If you're looking into solid state used gear, and are looking at Threshold, you want to look at the older T-100/200/400 series stuff! Actually,those speakers (I like) would do better with at least T200 or above! They run a good percentage in to class a compared to everthing else in that line. You might want to do a tube preamp on top to ad a bit of tube majic with the Proac's..I think you'd like th combo. That way you get the best of both worlds, with the control and slam of solid state!
Good luck
I recently listened to the 2.5's with Audio Research LS 25 / VT 100 combo at Progressive Audio in Columbus,OH.
They have a very impressive store and are obviously using Audio Research for a reason.
I currently own ProAc 1.5's. I'm driving them with a VTL TL-2.5 preamp and a Plinius SA-100 MkIII. I previously was using a pair of VTL MB-125 monoblocks. I agree with the previous post that the 1.5's sound their best with tube electronics. They can sound a tiny bit bright with SS amplification. The 1.5's are a highly resolving loudspeaker, so if you've a weak link in your system you'll know it...