Looking for an amp for my Proac 1.5's.


I've recently purchased a pair of Proac 1.5's. Great speakers. Currently running an older ADCOM GFA 555 200 w/ch.

Looking to upgrade amp and preamp and looking for suggestions.

Also, a buddy has an old Threshold s150 Class A amp for sale - would that be a good fit?
Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
Naim NAP250 or NAP135,s
nothing else apart from a GOOD Phase Linear 400 will come close
ProAc, as mentioned, love tubes. Look at all the options and balance them against your budget. CJ, Cary, VTL and BAT are the better tube options. CJ MF amps, older Bedini, and Pass are ss options. You can also look at Blue Circle. It's up to you, your ears and your budget.
My ProAc 1.5's sounded substantially better with a tube pre-amp. I had an Audio Research LS-9 (ss) and went to a LS-22 (tube, with infi cap upgrade). I couldn't believe how grainy the old LS-9 sounded compaired to the tubed LS-22.

The ARC dealer in my area also sells ProAc's. He stated that ProAc's like tube gear and that statement has been validated in my personal experience.

I am using Audio Magic Sorcerer interconnects, but would like to try different IC's with better high frequency detail and extension. The Sorcers were used to tame grain, but are no longer needed with a tube preamp. Any suggestions?
My 1.5's sound good with Krell 300iL and CJ PV-12AL/MV-55. Hard to say which one is better ... depending the music I listen. Definitely, the 1.5's get the credit.