Integrated Amps: Classe vs. Audio Refinement?

I'm in the process of setting up a simple, two channel A/V system. I'll be using a pair of Definitive BP-2004TLs as speakers. Does anyone have first hand experience with both Classe CAP-80 and Audio Refinement Complete integrated amps?

I don't want the sound to be too laid back; I want it to have some life and dynamics. The amp will be used for these speakers only, and future expandability is not a consideration (I normally listen to Apogee Stages with different electronics).

Also, does the Classe "thump" through the speakers? I read another thread that said the Classe CAV "thumps". I wouldn't put up with that.

I've owned an Audio Refinement Complete and an Audio Analogue Puccini. Both fantastic amps, but I would say both are pretty laid back in terms of sound. I haven't heard the Classe before.

If you are looking for something a little more lively than the Audio Refinement Complete, you might want to look into the Anthem Integrated 2. It's a hybrid (tubed pre amp) integrated amp. They have been going for VERY reasonable prices lately, both new and used. I found that the Anthem was a more versatile amp than either the Audio Refinement or the Audio Analogue. Laid back and smooth when it has to be, punchier and more dynamic when the music calls for it.

My experience with the AR Complete was that its sonic characteristics were very tube-like. Warm and laid back, but it retained very good detail throughout all frequencies. If you are looking for a more lively or dynamic sound, the Classe (or some other integrated) might be a better fit.

Good luck, and happy listening.
Classe is a step above. Audio refinment is YBA Mid sector product it is built in China/Taiwan.
Classe is Built in Canada and is a High End product