what made you get up & dance during the Olympics

Hi All,
My favorate part of the Olympics is Figure skating, Dance & pairs,but my Olympic moment& a 4year wait, was the Womens Hockey Game.OH what a game & OH CANADA.My husband & daughter saw more of me on the screen than the hockey players,they keep shouting WILL YOU SIT DOWN.I just wish my music system would get me moving & dancing like that game did.Any one else have a Olympic monent.
Does jumping up and down and yelling during yesterday's hockey game count???

I guess the Canadian "toonie" (our $2 coin) buried at center ice worked - at least our currency was good for something...
as a denver hockey fan, my loyalties and emotions were torn in the men's hockey final. when joey sakic made the winning goal and was then given mvp honors, i wanted to apply for canadian citizenship. the best part of that game, tho, was when the canucks stood toward the end and sang, a cappella, "oh, canada." there was obvious joy in their voices that i found quite moving. -cfb

ps- i'll be at the next home game of the avalanche with my audio dealer and close friend. i hope the organization does something to honor all the players from all the countries. i especially hope that chris drury shows off his silver medal and sakic, foote and blake their well-deserved gold ones.

Winner never won anything in her life. She had the jump of her life to win. The look on her face when she landed the jump is just priceless! She trained in a leach infested training pool. She seems to be a real nice honest person.
A hottie as well!