A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?

I have the audiophile disease. I just can not be satisfied. By upgrading from my Bryston 4B ST to a Pass labs X250 really worth the bother? My equipment is as follows Audio Research Reference 1 Pre-amp, Proac Response 3.8 Speakers Classe CDP.3 Player. My wife just does not get the thrill of this hobby. I need to find the true answer, What will the difference be besides in my wallet?
I'm going to attempt to bring this discussion back to reality. I'm guessing that you have made several compulsive purchases. I'm guessing that your wife has heard that now my system is wonderful and I'm ready to relax and enjoy. I too agree that the udgrade would be marginal, but I don't believe that is the real issue. There will always be an upgrade or something new to tryout. If you love your wife, you owe it to her to consider her reasons for wanting you to take it a little slower,
Tough one. I've been there. I'm divorced now. Ask yourself, "Do i love my wife" " Is my marriage worth saving ". Next, ask her to sit with you and listen to a few songs. Have a serious talk with her. LET HER KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HER, and your system ( hobby ). Don't do anything for a couple of days. See how she reacts and then do the right thing.
Buy a used ARC vt100 to go with that ref1. That's one of the best front end's I've heard.
This hobby is getting ridiculously expensive. Make sure you get a home trial for the X250 before you decide to put your wife up on SpouseBeGon.com. On a serious note, the X250 is a much more refined amp than the Bryston, especially in the midrange.