Sim Audio Moon W5 vs Electrocompaniet Amp

Hi, its coming together for me. My two front runners are the Moon W5 and the Electrocompiet AW180 which I am interested in based on reviews but haven't heard yet. I want this amp to pair with my Levinson 380S and drive a pair of Proac D15's (replacement for the 1.5) which I plan to get in a couple of months.

Does anyone have any experience with either these two amps and in particularly any impressions on this Electrocompiet gear? As always, thanks for your input.
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Without a doubt, the Moon W-5 is the way to go. It has much going for it, ergonomics, weight, looks, price, and of course the sonics. Sonically, it should blow the doors off of any Electrocompaniet equipment. Assuming you like music with detail.

I had owned the Moon W-5 for a time. It is a fast amp able to better illustrate inter-transient silence, initial attacks, better decays, appears to have more wpc than the stated 190 WPC, and has a certain sweet sound that you may just fall in love with.

I moved on to another amp, even better IMO than the W-5, and the new owner of my W-5 absolutely loves it.

I've owned about 5 or 6 amps over the last few year (the Moon being the second last). It was the Moon that convinced me that the amp is the key to any good sounding system. Assuming the surrounding components are at least adequate.

Below is what the new owner had to say of the Moon W-5:

"... Anyway, even before the room change, this combo sounds fantastic! All categories of critical listening are significantly improved by this set-up. The most striking things are the clear, taught bass that goes very low, the holographic imaging of the soundstage and the wide dynamics. I find myself putting off all kinds of things to listen a little longer. I really, really really love this set-up!! I can repeat all the usual statements that people make when they get a good set-up: I hear things on CDs that I didn't know was on them, I am enjoying (and hearing more) my old CDs better than ever before, the band sounds like its right in the room,etc., etc.

I think voice is one area that Is especially improved. The texture and timbre are so much more realistic. This is true for both male and female voice, but especially female. Holly Cole, Laurie Anderson and Shawn Colvin are right here in the room with me!! If only Shawn would sit on my lap!!

So yes, the things that you and Anna (Anna Logg of TAS is a member of his audiophile society) predicted (about the W-5) are present. I am a very happy audio nut."

Hope this helps,

Sweet sounding? Sim is not sweet sounding at all. At times the treble is harsh, and lean. Nice bottom end and accurate midrange but warm???? Uh uh. I have owned both Sim gear (the I5 integrated) and the Electrocompaniet gear. I enjoyed both but felt the EC kit was alot more fun and less fatiguing to listen to. The statement "Sonically, it should blow the doors off of any Electrocompaniet equipment" is really innacurate. They are two very different house sounds. If you like a more etched sound, SIM is your bag. If you like a nice toe tapping musical presentation, the EC is your bag. Opinions are like..well you get the drift. Listen for yourself and find out which makers sound fits your ear.
First, we're not talking about the SimAudio I-5 and the I-5 is most likely in a different (lesser) league than the W-5. Secondly, I've listened to Electro's best $15k monoblock pair amps and, yes, if you like lifeless elevator music with flattened dynamics, rolled off highs, and the overall coloration that the Electro's offer, then by all means go with Electrocompaniet. Yes, you can listen to elevator music your entire life without ever being fatigued because that type of sound reproduction generally never wakes one up.

However, if you want most/all of the information on your cd's to be reproduced in a more accurate fashion, then try the Moon W-5.

Elevator music from the Nemos? Thanks for giving us all such an "accurate" view of a dealer demo. Not suprising since you said in your original statement that Sim gear is "warm" which is way off the mark. Not to many people will ever accuse Sim of being warm kit. Analytical, yes, warm, no way. They are two very distinct sounds. Don't buy the Sim and don't buy the EC if you plan on getting the Talon audio speakers (saw in a post you were asking about the Ravens). They sound excellent with the Bel Canto EVo's with a solid state pre amplifier ( you already have that piece to the puzzle). Real synergy there at a great price point. Good luck.
Not sure where celery got the 'warm' from. But I should expect such an ignorant response from one who thinks the I-5 would be the sonic equivalent of the W-5. Celery obviously never listened to a W-5. That's like saying celery's older bottom of the line Electro amp and pre-amp that he is now selling is as good as Electro's top of the line. I'm sure he believes this too.

But I did mention the W-5 adds a certain sweetness to the sound. In fact, International Audio Review's Peter Moncrief listed the W-5 tied as the 3rd best solid state amp in 1999.

An excerpt from that review "... . The Moon W-5 hits almost ideally the best possible compromise for a no-feedback design. It's sound features a relaxed, easy quality that almost let you forget that you're listening through solid state equipment. Yet it's sound is also very clean and clear, close to the best solid state amps that do use loop feedback. ... . The Moon offers a wonderful balance between the clean articulation typical of solid state and the sweet relaxation typical of tube sound. ..."

Celery, do your homework before spouting off sarcastic remarks.
