which amp would you choose

Got in a debate with an audio buddy about this one. All things being equal, including price, would you want a Belles 150a-Hotrod or a Bel Canto Evo 200.2. I realize that this is primarily about personal taste but we are worlds apart about this one. What do you think and why? Thanks
I'd choose the Bel Canto. I've heard both and find the Belles to be on the dark side and I found the bass to be quite muddy. There's no life to it IMHO. On the other hand, the Bel Canto has a lot of zip and excitement to it.

One other thing to keep in mind is that Belles is basically a one man operation and I'm not even sure it's a full-time operation. Thus, servicing may pose a problem in the future.

Just my 2 cents.
I have no experience with the Belles. I owned ProAc response 3s for an extended period of time. I have a few days experience with a Bel Canto. If your ProAcs are similar to the Response 3s (extended sweet highs, slightly euphonic and polite mid-range and slightly soft and difficult to control mid-bass) the Bel Canto would be worth auditioning. Excellent bass control and range. Extended sounding. The midrange, in my setup, seemed somewhat lacking in detail and transparency compared to the Musical Fidelity 120 Watt piece and my Audio Research VT130.