Where can I get RAM super low noise tubes?

I am trying to retube my ARC SP3C with super low noise RAM 12Ax7s. The pre requires 8 tubes. All eight tubes do not have to be super low noise. Currently the cost is $60 a tube. Is there anywhere that I can get these tubes cheaper?
AudioAdvisor.com sells them. You may want to phone them, website does not list everything

Also sold for $49.95 and regular SG grade for $15.50 at:


yes,call Audio Advisor.I got 1 super low noise Ram 12ax7 for $45.I called Ram and asked them exactly what this 12AX7 was and the customer service dude told me it is actually a NOS Tungsram.It sure was quiet,in fact much quieter than the "quiet" Sovtek it replaced.I ended up returning the tube to audio advisor for a refund after I tried some NOS Telefunkens.My Rogue 99 phono takes 2 12AX7's and 2 12AU7's.I got 2 Tels and 2 Radiotechniques and am very happy with the low noise floor.
I do highly recommend the SLN Ram.It isnt far behind the more expensive Telefunken.
Don't be afraid to ask Audio Advisor for a discount.They are 'famous' for discounting.Also their 30 day no questions asked return policy is the best in the business,even with tubes!!
Last time I talked to Audio Advisor they told me they are getting out of the tube business. All the tubes on the web site are marked CLEARANCE. They don't have any 12AX7 listed.
Don't know what specific brand of tubes that RAM relabeled and sold as their own, but when my Dad put them into his preamp, the upper mids became very hard, "glassy" and brittle and the bass turned to a bloated thud. This "tube upgrade" took his pretty decent sounding system and turned it into a mess. Obviously, different components and different tubes might have various effects in various systems. Tubes almost offer TOO many variables sometimes. Sean
My advice is to forget about the RAM SLN tubes. You'd be much better off, seeking out some low noise vintage tubes.You would end up, with a better sounding, much longer lasting, and just as quiet, if not quieter tube. But if you must have them, check out Welbourne Labs.