odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website
Klaus, at least you don't have reviewers like this one (my favorite AR review ever - reader beware). God forbid you engage this user in an A/B comparison of ANYTHING!

Reviewed by: Teddy , an Audio Enthusiast

I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in, and stating your case clearly - and I agree about keeping facts factual and civility civil. The internet is all too full of aholes, and not all of them have a sense of humor.
I seem to remember a review in The Absolute Sound last year where they compared the Stratos to similarly priced amps from Rotel and B&K. I think they liked all of them for different reasons and I don't remember any one being a strong front runner.
I had the Stereo Stratos with Symphonic cap upgrade, and thought they sounded excellent. Going to the monoblocks with Symphonic cap upgrade placed them in a whole new league, and now the latest upgrade with Plitron transformer makes them significantly better - well worth the 500 bucks, and the blue backlighting is very classy.
Some of the pioneer tuners are starting to be recognized as top tuners, where before they were asleep. I know someone is going to differ with me, but I never could stand pioneer products (personal experience). What people seem to judge things by (not discluding myself), are not fool proof formulas. I am trying to enjoy what I have, so I can focus on school.
There doesn't seem to be a way of measuring sound, yet there are these percieved differences, that do make a difference to me, but because I may not know as much as I seemed to have thought that I did, I tend to get caught up in a lot of hype and not knowing which direction to take.
I never heard the Odyssey, but I tend to write it off as
something within it's price range. A $600. tuner (Luxman T 117) at TIC stood above tuners costing many $$ more. A $1200. (now $400. used) Sony 333es made stereophile class A, where players costing way more weren't even mentioned. Still the reviews at Tuner Info center were someone's own subjective views. Still I see that it is hard to not pass things by, because they do not cost as much. It is confusing. I just am trying to enjoy my system, and I really do like it. I would love to hear an odyssey stratos after reading these threads. I also get real good feelings about some McCORMACK products.