Why no threads on OTL amps?

I looked through the old thread list and didn't find anything on OTL amps. How come? Does nobody like them? Is there something wrong with them? Would you buy/notbuy one, and why? If you would buy one, which one do you like best? I always thought OTL was the best, but there doesn't seem to be much interest here on this forum for them.

You mentioned the Berning ZH270 running a speaker by Preference Audio. I'd be very interested in learning more about this speaker. I couldn't find anything on Preference Audio thru the Google search engine. Can you provide me with any additional info that would allow me to track them down?

BTW, which speakers are you running with your Berning?


A bit off-topic. Could you tell me more about Berning at Montreal show? I could not found any coverage about Berning anywhere so far, including commercial and personal show report, zero, nada. I wonder why? I intend to give it a listen and waiting for the opportunity (thanks, Tubegroover!), and would like to know how Berning did at the show. Thanks! Ken
Hello Kenl,
I am going to try to answer the last two messages. Kenl, Preference Audio is a brand new company which is from Quebec. I had a chance to listen to these speakers(which are appropriately named "Baby Bears" as they are large 175lbs each) and they were quite nice. They use a Horn Loaded tweeter and a ten inch woofer. They were extremely well built. They are also quite efficient. 93db, so the Berning was really driving them with utterly no strain. I was able to get a card as well. The designers names are Claude, and Guy, and can be reached at (450)349-0021. These speakers were wonderful.
In reference to the question about coverage of Berning products at the show, I doubt you will see any. Though it was by far one of the best sounding rooms in the show, David Berning does not advertise, and therefore most likely will not be picked up by many of the magazines. I did see Audio Asylum in the room taking pictures however, so maybe something will show up there. For any other information including reviews refer to the David Berning website, or Allan@Hellosimplymusic.com Allan would answer any questions you might have. I Hope this has been of help.

I think OTL is alive and well but many are put off by the incredable heat these amps put out except for Transcendent and I also think that the low watt/ high efficency lowther type horn speaker crowd is taking over big time. You can't beat the dynamics of this type of system with any normal speakers/ high power amps period. I'll take a Art Audio Px25 (6 watts)amp and a pair of $400 Loth-x speakers over any 40watt and up system just for the musicality and emotional impact.
Definitely include the Berning 270 for OTL's which put out little heat, the 270 puts off very little heat, in fact less than any other OTL I can think of. It also does not use much power from the AC - 100W@idle & 300W max. and increases output power into lower impedences which no other OTL does. This is really breakthrough technology for OTL tube amplifiers.
