kt_88 vs unnamed dealer

Hi Guys & Gals

I have ran into a bit of a problem with a dealer, but since he is not a Audiogon member ( that I know of ) I decided to try this approach to receive your advise. BTW, I asked Audiogon for there approval before posting.

The story goes like this. I found this dealer ( not in my state ) through a search engine on the net. He had a piece of equipment that I wanted. So I called him and inquired about it's condition. He told me it was in " excellent condition " so I asked him to ship it to me. When I go it I found it was not even close to the condition he told me it was, at least not cosmetically. So I sent him a e-mail back, and requested that he let me return the item. He responded with a " no " He also told me his store policy does not allow him to take back used times. I have sent him another e-mail with a little more firmness requesting that he take the item back. I am waiting for his response.

In the mean time in case this turns to push and shove. What can I do if I need to force the issue ( legally ) to get the item returned and get my money back.

If you paid by credit card, simply stop payment on the card and return the product to the dealer with a signature required. You will be out the return shipping, but it is better than eating the entire cost of something that you don't want. If the dealer refuses to accept the return and sign for the package, you've done your part and the credit card company will probably understand that. Try contacting your credit card company first though and see what they have to say about it. Sean
i would inquire in his locale to initiate a small claims action against the individual.
Do you still want the product but feel you overpaid, or do you not want it at all given the condition? I ask because maybe the dealer will consider an additional discount.

Also, I suggest you get on the phone with him or her. Email can a very poor means of communication where "tone" is concerned.
I had a very similar thing happen to me. The product was priced fairly but was scratched and dented where it had been described as "immaculate". The sales guy quit answering my emails and calls after I complained.

Going back to the web site, I looked around until I found the shop owner's name and email address. I sent an email to the owner describing the situation and the steps I would take (BBB, credit card complaint, posting to complaint bulletin boards on the Internet, etc)if I didn't get some satisfaction.

He wrote back within a day offering to take back the unit or discount the price. I was so ticked off - this was my first bad experience with Internet purchases - that I returned the unit.

I also sent a letter to my credit card company - and you have to do this in writing - and refused payment on the item with a letter of explanation. My account was credited and I was only out the price of shipping.

Good luck, David
ok, for starters I have agreed with Audiogon not to reveal the details of the sale on their forum. So I will be very careful not to write anything that would incriminate myself. Yes I did contact my credit card company, who told me they would credit my account, and launch an investigation. But there is still a chance that I could be out the money, if they decide the dealer has a legitimate point. How that is possible is beyond me. They told me under no cricumstance should I send the unit back.

The dealer has broken communication with me. I hope it does not come down to a small claims issue. Yes it is a good idea to let them know I will express my disappointment via any resource possible. But I would rather not, unfortunately I think we are headed down that road.

Still open to suggestions, if anyone is really good at this you can e-mail me privately with your suggestions. But I will not reveal the name of the dealer to you, until ( and at no time on Audiogon ) I have exhausted every possible avenue. And then I will do so in order to warn others.
