Should I stick to the same manufaturer?

What should be replaced first Preamp or cd player or something else?


Speaker Cable- Monster M2.4s 15'pr.;
interconnects- 2m Monster M1000i;RCA connections not balanced- preamp will not accept balanced;
Speakers- Martin Logan Prodigy;
Preamp- Audio Research LS1;
Amp- Mark Levinson No. 336;
cd player- California Audio Lab icon mkii;
Tuner- Magnum Dynalab MD102;
Lose the CD player AND the preamp AND the Monster Cable.
You've got some nice pieces currently being crippled.

Please don't get me wrong, the IkonMkII was a great player in it's day and not a bad player still for a second system.

The LS1, well I find that pre to contain a whole lot more than I like of the ARC house sound or what I call a "white" sound. Logan's can sound a bit thin at times, I'd put up a warm preamp such as a BAT VK50 or VK5i. I use BAT pre and Levinson amps on two systems, and I find great synergy. As to the CD, lots of good players out there. Use balanced cables, your 336 was designed with balanced topology and it will sound better balanced than single-ended. I'd get tubed CD player though, your mileage may vary. Good luck.

I'd want to audition some different ICs and spkr cables 1st. Good Luck. Craig
Great response: Recommendations on a used CD player? Should I stick to ML line for a Preamp and cd because of the communication links by ML. Thanks
I would suggest cables, then CD (I like Levinson digital in the right setup - and use a 390s myself, but would urge you to consider the audio aero with your amp), then pre...

I personally wouldn't do all levinson with the Martin Logan's. A little tube will go a long way in that combination I think. The CD player may be the right spot for it. No matter what, though, IMHO you should swap out the Monsters when you can...

Get a new CD player or an outboard dac (like the Bel Canot DAC 2 or MF dac) if your player has digital outs. Maybe change cable too. The other stuff is nice.