Gryphon amps.

What do you think of Gryphon electronics? In comparison with,say,Rowlands?
Ramy, Spectral harsh and good for Rock music?? Good heavens, how ears( and systems )are different! What wires did you use?
I listen mostly to classical music and I cannot bear harshness. The Gryphons are "harsh" in comparison, if you wish to use that phrase at all. Cheers,
Detlof, could Ramy's perceived "harshness" be due to the interaction b/ween Spectral's wide-bandwidth design and the rest of his system?
Ramy, I too listen to classical and also use wide-bandwidth amplification with dynamic speakers. I once listened to an acquaintance's pair of Spectrals (can't remember which model) driving my speakers; no harshness there rather, good rendition of the recording (so, if the recording was bad, the sound was no better!)
Although the big, battery supplied Rowland is a great device, the Gryphon would be more to my tastes. As Albert notes above, you only give two choices! Cheers!
Greg, I guess that must be it. BTW, as far as the Gryphon preamps are concerned, I am familiar with all their iterations from their very beginning. They are all beautifully built and highly reliable in operation. The sound is open, neutral, transparent. Their phonostages have always been good. But again, especially as far as the phonostage is concerned, I prefer the Spectral DMC 20 I or II. But that is not the point in this thread : The Gryphon products are without a doubt, though not SOTA to these here ears, very good indeed and I still use them to this day.
Good response Detlof. As noted by Gregm we were ask to vote between two great transistor amps, which I did.

Truth is, I do not own any transistor gear other than my television and Sony SACD player. Even the surround system is tube, with Atmasphere for a dialogue amp.

Speaking of Atmasphere, I met one of Gryphons designers at CES a number of years ago. My reference amp at the time was Atmasphere MA2 mono blocks. When I ask the designer how his amps performed on Soundlabs, he ask what I was currently using. When I told him, he visibly lit up and said "those are great amps, we design for similar performance."

That to me describes the sound of Gryphon, I have never heard them sound harsh, but perhaps it is a system thing.
Gryphon does a great job with amplifiers using the best discrete parts out there, Toshiba/Sankens, with huge well thought out supplies and beautiful build quality....Have heard them at two shows with Rockport front end and speakers and they just did everything right....Don't know the phono stage at all, but have a customer who swears by the fully balanced unit....