edge vs boulder vs halcro

did anybody compared these amps?

i've listened to all three at various times but only the Halcro DM-58 in my room for a few days.....

the Halcro (on my Watt/Puppy 6s) were the fastest, most detailed and transparent amps i have heard; amazing detail and extension.....very neutral....could be too lean in some systems. with the right system absolutely fantastic (maybe a tube preamp).

i heard the $30k Edge monoblocks at CES on the Lumen Whites and i really was impressed, probably the most tube-like solid state amp i have heard. it reminded me of my Tenors, great clarity but still with excellent tonality (i still prefer the Tenors). it would be hard to separate whether i was hearing the Lumen Whites or the Edge amps. as the Lumen Whites don't extend to the lowest registers i can't say how they extend but the bass articulation was excellent. the only thing that i didn't like was the lack of a balanced input on $30k monoblocks, but that is just a minor quibble. i would choose these amps among all solid state amps i have heard.

i listened to the Boulders at a local dealer a few times in a Wisdom based system and never really enjoyed them. i'm not sure whether it was the amps or the Wisdom speakers but i just wasn't pulled into the music. they seemed slightly grainy and lacking substance. i have talked to some people that i respect that think very highly of the Boulder. let's say i haven't yet discovered what the Boulders can do.
I think you should also try Chord SMP5000 as well, also one of the best detail, transparent and involving sound. I heard Harco with advangade speaker and I was pretty impressived. But Bouder is not my cup of tea, it sound too analysis and forward to my taste.
Hope this hope.