Mosfet amps A true compromise betw. tubes and SS?

I heard from several people that Mosfet SS amps are a nice compromise between tubes and SS amps.
There is one manufacturer in particular I am interested,s croll down to Fusion 700 (its a German made amp, but he has an English web page) who calls his hybrid amp a Mono tube mosfet amp.
I would really appreciate if someone who has more insight would tell me a bit more of advantages and shortcomings of this design and if the claim: "sound of tubes with power of SS" is true or not. Also I would like to know if these are fast amps, as I plan to maybe use them with my ML Prodigy, should the Wolcott amps, I bought recently, not work satisfactorily.
Mosfet is solid state. It is a type of transistor.

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Even tube is not tube. The sound you get depends on what tubes you use. Their is no direct correlation between Mosfet transistors and tube like sound.

For example; the current crop of Conrad Johnson solid state amplifiers that replaced the MF2100 (and others) use Bi-Polar output transistors instead of Mosfets. They also use Field Effect transitors because they handle voltage in a way similar to tubes.

So just buy an amplifier that you like the sound of; and forget the buzz words.

You may want to try a tube preamp with a solid state power amp. It is a good way to get the best of both worlds.