Mosfet amps A true compromise betw. tubes and SS?

I heard from several people that Mosfet SS amps are a nice compromise between tubes and SS amps.
There is one manufacturer in particular I am interested,s croll down to Fusion 700 (its a German made amp, but he has an English web page) who calls his hybrid amp a Mono tube mosfet amp.
I would really appreciate if someone who has more insight would tell me a bit more of advantages and shortcomings of this design and if the claim: "sound of tubes with power of SS" is true or not. Also I would like to know if these are fast amps, as I plan to maybe use them with my ML Prodigy, should the Wolcott amps, I bought recently, not work satisfactorily.
Of course Tweeterman will take exception with me on this, but I don't believe that anyone can look at a web page, see what type of technology is employed in a piece of gear, and think they have even an inkling of what it will sound like - either in an absolute sense (if that even exists), or particularly in their system (the only place that it ultimately matters). By all means, audition some MOSFET gear if you are curious, but don't expect any more uniformity of sound between different amplifiers of this type than there is between amplifiers of the tube type. If that sort of thing were actually the case, then there would only be a handful of distinguishable amplifier "sounds" - one for each type of active device employed in amp circuits, and we all know that is not true. That's because everything matters, not just one thing, and the way the overall circuit is designed and implemented is generally regarded as being even more important than what type of active devices are used. If I were interested in trying out something new based on an idea about its technology, I sure wouldn't make it a "sound-unheard" purchase, off of a website, of foreign gear that no one in my country sells or services, much less has even heard of. Sure, the stuff *might* be great, but what would I be able to do with it if I wound up not liking it so well? (FWIW, the MOSFET amp I used to own sounded nothing like [and not as good as] my present tube amp.)

P.S. BTW Tekunda, mightn't you be jumping the gun just a little bit, plotting your next amplifier change before you even know if, in your words, your "recently" bought amps will "work satisfactorily"? Why not give 'em a chance - they certainly weren't cheap! You have my sympathy if Audiophilia Nervousa is really that advanced!
Hey Zaikes, very great answer. You've answered my question from your many years of experience. I'm for tubes all the way. I own a "100" watt ss Rotel amp which i can not listen to for more than ..oh like say 5 minutes and then fatigue sets in. Now with my "40" watt tube amp i can listen to for hours happily. And the 40 watter is their entry level model so future upgrades will make the speakers sparkle even more. So as you say there is "tube sound" and there is "ss sound" , and in both categories not all labs are equal..more so when it comes to tube design.
Zaikesman, thank you for caring. You are absolutely right. Its kind of crazy to worry about new amps without even having auditioned the new ones I have bought.
The reason is not an advanced stage of Audiophilia Nervousa though.
I am in Germany right now for a short visit and the guy who makes the Mosfet amps, tries to convince me that his amps are really worth taking a shot. The only problem with this is, that my system is in Florida. Before I go through the trouble and ship the German made amps over to the US for an audition, I hoped to find out what people in general have to say about such a design.
If most people would have agreed that a Mosfet is nothing I should look into, I wouldn't have bothered even thinking about having these amps shipped. But from what I read here, I planned my startegy now, which is to audition the Wolcott first and only if I am absolutely not happy, have the German amps shipped for a further audition.
So, will you audition these amps in Germany, and if you do, let us know what you think? Good luck, Z.

P.S. Tweek, I must admit that in this thread as well as our previous encounter, I have had the darnedest time trying to follow you. Is it me? Or are you crediting me with saying things I don't think I said? (Or maybe you're just having me on - er, "Tweek"-ing me!) Oh well, I've got to admire your enthusiasm - say, maybe while he's in Germany, Tekunda can give a listen to those speakers you saw on that website (now, what were they called again?)!
Personally I'll take a mosfet design over bipolar or glassware any & every day: I just love the mosfet sound & everytime that I try out something else I've always eventually gone back to mosfet's. I've gone through a lot of equipment over the years, but mosfet has always turned out to be my common demoninator. You get the typical bass control & high speed transient response of solid state with some of the warmth of a tube based design, but without the heat inefficiency, microphonics, noise, & unreliability of tubes.