Marsh or McCormack

I have some B&W speakers. I'm looking at either the Marsh MSD-A400s or the McCormack DNA225. Any thoughts? The Marsh seems to be getting a lot of good press lately. I believe the McCormack amp might cost a few hundred bucks more, but not enough to make a huge difference.
I have own the McCormack DNA 225 amp, it is an excellent ss design from a well established company(currently owned by Conrad and Johnson). Build quality is excellent with quality parts. I haven't heard the Marsh amps but they have received excellent reviews in The Absolute Sound. If you have the chance listen to both in your system. I don't think you could go wrong with either one but I bought the McCormack based on sound, company reputation, dealer network and support. Good luck.
Listen to both if possible.
I would take the TAS Marsh review with a grain of salt (tho they also reviewed and were impressed by the McC) as they have also raved about products in the past designed by Marsh that I thought were disappointing, like the Monster power conditioner. Marsh used to work for TAS.
I'm not really suggesting an consistent editorial bias, just be aware that rave reviews are not a good enough reason to buy an amp.
I'll continue to promote the virtues of the McCormack DNA-225. Oodles of CLEAN, QUICK power. Can't speak to the Marsh, but if you've narrowed it down to these two amps I know you like the 225.
I don't have a comparison between those two, but I was in a shop that carried McCormack and Linn, I compared the 225 with the Linn AV-5125, it's a 5 channel amp. They were very close in sonic signature on the system I played them on. I had a couple tracks I was playing, my wife liked both on the Linn and I liked one on the Linn and one on the 225. All that tells you nothing as a comparison between the two in question...but I thought I would share my experience.

I can't give much info outside of this as I wasn't familiar with the system they were used with.