Retro Hi End Trivia Question

Does anyone remember the "Quatre Gain Cell" amplifier?

While thinking about various configurations for my latest "new" system, I found myself daydreaming about the "high end" room of my local dealer when I was still in school:

as I recall, a Thorens turntable with an Infinity black widow arm, the Apt Holman preamp, and Dahlquist DQ 10s and Dahlquist subwoofer driven by the mysterious "Quatre Gain Cell".

It sounded great -- the type of sound and music and fun that got me into this addiction where I am still unsuccessfully chasing the first high....

I would be interested in buying one of these amps for fun to put in a bedroom, but I never see or hear about them.
Ahhh...the Rappaport amps....

When I worked in an audio store in high school and college, we took in a Rappaport pre amp in trade. The Orion guide as I recall, valued it at about fifty cents.

We practically couldn't give it away, despite the alleged "cult" reputation of the designer and original high price. Maybe this thread will evolve into a high end freak show of obscure components.

But does anyone remember the Quatre "Gain Cell"?
Yes. I owned one. Black, sharp edges, power switch on back.
Used it with DQ 10's. As I recall the midrange was quite good with a punchy bass. Overall the amp had a very airy quality about it and was good for its day. I would switch between it and Kenwood L-07M mono amps. Stopped using the Quatre 250C after it started making some "funny" noises. Was worried it would blow up and take my system with it. But it was fun nonetheless.
Andy Rapaport was one of the true geniuses at the dawn of the High End. The preamp was vacuum tube, the amp solid state pure class A and ran as hot as any amp ever made. I believe that what did the company in was the lawsuits that originated from people being burned by coming in contact with the amp. It sounded great with an even more obscure product, the Pedersen HF-1 horn loudspeakers. The new gear is really quite boring compared to this stuff....oh, to smell the smoke from a Futterman output transformerless amp again.
I remember the thing and don't want to offend anyone but found it to sound unapealing. Viridian the Rapaport pre amps I have seen were solid state and also quite unalealing.
I tried a Gain Cell back in the very early '80's while searching for an amp to run my Acoustats properly, but it wasn't up to the task (nor were amps from Crown and Luxman- ended up with a Bryston that worked out splendidly), and haven't seen one since. Don't know how they worked with other speakers.

On the subject of hot-running amps, I used to have a Phase Linear 400 running a pair of ESS Rock Monitors, and that Phase would get hotter than my George Foreman grill!