Tube and Tube Socket Cleaning

I have a pair of RT 12AU7's of which one of them is noisy when powered up. I have switched it from side to side in my pre-amp (CJ PV10A) and the noise follows. I sprayed a great deal of compressed air into the tube socket and around the prongs of the problem tube and this has diminished the noise greatly, but not completely. I spoke with the dealer and he advised me to take a fingernail file and gently file the prongs on the problem tube. Any thoughts on this???
He also mentioned that there were tube socket cleaning kits available. Has anyone had any experience with these or can anyone recommend one?


Brad Day
Atlanta, GA

PS My searches on Audiogon for this information did not turn up any matches.
Gently filing the prongs as you propose, I have also found helpful and afterwards a good cleaning with Kontak or just a tiny bit of Craig ProGold certainly helps. For the sockets, I use these tiny brushes which are sold for cleaning the cavities between your teeth with very good effect, followed by a tad of Kontak or Pro Gold as well. Cheers,
Thanks, Detlof. Also, did you use a metal nail file or a wooden one with the sand grain on it? And, where might I find Kontak or Pro Gold locally (Atlanta)?

Thanks again.
sounds to me like the tube is bad, not the socket. It follows from side to side when moving that tube? Send it back.
