Antique Sound Lab: Problems with ASL reliability?

Has anyone had any reliability problems with ASL gear? I am considering getting an ASL Hurrican DT200 and wanted to know if I should be weary of ASL's track record.
Great gear! I had the MgSI 15-dt Set and it was trerrific.

It sold me on tubes. Great build quailty and features. I love the high qual speaker terminals. The 4mm Black satin face plate - awesome.

Highly rec

Would upgrade with some tasty NOS tubes to really sweeten the sound.
Very old ASL gear had some reliability issues but that was addressed many years ago. Their newer equipment is very good.
I agree with Meby. I had an AQ1006 for a couple months and thought it well put together and generally nice. For the $$ you can pick them up here at Agon they are a steal.

I have never looked at their big PP amps so I can't speak directly to your piece. I also have a lot of respect for Joseph Lau, the main designer at ASL. He does a great job and is very helpful. You can generally speak with him directly at the AAsylum tube forum if you need help changing something. He is very customer service oriented.

I remain,