Antique Sound Lab: Problems with ASL reliability?

Has anyone had any reliability problems with ASL gear? I am considering getting an ASL Hurrican DT200 and wanted to know if I should be weary of ASL's track record.
Clueless is right Joe posts on AA and Harmonic Discord frequently he is very helpful and a nice guy to boot. Not many manufacturers are willing to spend their free time answering questions on forums like Joe, you definitely will enjoy the customer service if you decide to purchase a product from his company.
I was shipped two (2) of their integrated amps to audition. Both "DEAD" on arrival.

You be the judge.
Thank you, everyone who as so far contributed to this thread. It would still be great to hear from those who've had experience with the larger ASL Push/Pull amps.
Lindesfarne, pls tell us when, which amps, and from what source (dealer, etc.) you had your experiences--if you could please. It would be helpful to know more. Thanks.
Hi, i was at the Stereophile show last weekend. They had this nice ASL Tube amp on the Reference 3A speakers. I think the tubes were either 2A3 or the 300B tubes. But this Tube Amp looked really good. The system sounded great. Plus, I also heard that ASL headphone amp. Its lists for like 1200 dollars. It also can be used as a preamp. It uses 2A3 tubes and other tubes. This headphone amp sounded amazing. It was very smooth sounding and could go loud. When you listened to the ASL headphone amp, you heard them threw the tubes and the transformers weren't in use. I think the Transformers are used when the ASL is used as a preamp.