Do step up transformers degrade sound?

Recently purchased otl amps that unbenounced to me are 220 (We in the U.S. are 110 I believe). The price was very good, so I'm reluctant to return them just yet. How much is a good step up transformer and do they effect the sound? Any input would be most appreciated.

Bob is TOTALLY on to it. 110% agree, the result of balanced power may quite suprise you - it IS an upgrade!
And, to get back to Cbird1's original question: step-up transformers, like any device connected to (and I sometimes suspect, placed anywhere near) an audio system, will indeed *change* the sound. Whether you think it improves it, degrades it, or simply changes it, can be a matter of personal preference. Never be afraid to try things! You may like the results, you may not, but at least you'll gain insight into what works and what does not. Then you can start posting answers to questions like these as if you were some kind of an expert. Just like me! :-)

Mike Elliott
I have been moving back and forth from Europe to Canada for several years, hence I have had several equipment "on transformers" or I have been changing the taps on the transformers, where it was possible. My advice? I have not found any degradation on sound, unless you use some small/wimpy transformer. Always go for say 500W step down/up device for 55W CD player, etc. More effect will have a good power cord!!!