Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph

Hello All,
Just for a change of pace, I sold off my tube amp and I've gone back to using my pass aleph 2 monoblocks in my main system. I am interested in trying out another 'tubelike' amplifier, but with greater power. I can get more than the volume level's I want, I just don't have the bass slam that I want.

Has anyone compared the aleph series to the ayre's ? I am considering the 200w/400w(4ohm) v-1x and possibly the k-1 pre w/integral phonostage. I use 4ohm audio physic avanti's with a hotrod scd-1, basis 2500, and aleph P preamp.

One of the great characteristics of the pass labs equipment is that I can listen at moderately low levels and still get tremendous detail. I have read that the v-1 does not really open up at low levels.

Has anyone compared these ?
The Conrad Johnson MF 2500A (IMO) comes about as close to tube as you are going to get with a ss amp. I hear CJ has some new premiere ss amps coming out soon, if not already available, not sure how they will compare to tube. I have heard that Pass Labs X series comes close as well. However;I am in agreement with Stownel on this one.