Best SPKR'S and cables for Krell Amps?

I'm running a pr of FPB 250M's and would like to hear from Krell owners on their success's with SPKR's with krell amps.
Thanks Mike
I have FPB-350M (previously had FPB-300.)

I use a tube Audio Research pre. And have been very happy using this combo and speakers by Meadowlark Audio.

I use cabling by DH Labs.

Good Luck!
Dynaudios are a great match for the Krells, and FPB250 monos would give you the choice over Dyn's full range of offerings. I have the Contour 3.0's driven by the FPB200c, which is a very nice combination. The 3.0's would probably be the bottom end for consideration, though it wouldn't be overkill to mate your amps with a pair of these. Something from the old or new Confidence offerings would be wonderful as well, though considerably more expensive. If you like monitors, a pair of Confidence 3's would sound awesome. -Kirk
B&W -- The bigger, the better.

B&W used Krell amps to voice their speakers. And, since 80% of classical music is mastered on B&W speakers, you are most likely to get closest to the life performance.

P.S. I am biased. I own both.
I can recommend the use of B&W Matrix 801 series 3 speakers
(especially with external Northcreek crossovers) driven by
Krell's KCT preamp and FPB600c amplifier using CAST cables.
I have not experienced a better sounding system in my listening room...ever!
I am using a Legacy Focus Speakers along with Whale Elite Power Cords on a dedicated 30 Amp line and Balanced Granite Audio #470 interconnects. I will soon be trying Audio Pure note