Best Tube to eliminate RFI

I have narrowed down an RFI problem in my system to the amp. It is not volume sensitive but unique to the right channel (channel nearest the outside wall of our apt). I changed pre-amp tubes from chinese stock to Mullard military grade and Siemens. Listening to the local college radio station when I want to hear nothing is annoying.

Short of shielding the whole amp with a grounded copper mesh any comments on the best tubes (anti-nuclear attack?) that might mitigate this problem?

Jolida 302a integrated
Rega Planet CDP
Castle Acoustics Richmonds

Merci a l’avance.
Audioquest makes ferrite RF chokes called RF Stoppers; they come in two sizes, Junior & Regular. The chokes split into two pieces for easy attachment around AC cords & speaker cables. These should help; I thought someone mentioned that Radio Shaft even sells something similar. Use caution if you must filter around your interconnects; I experienced HF degradation doing this around Auqioquest Lapis interconnects, but it might work OK for you? You'll need to experiment, but the RF which is apparently riding into the amp along your cabling can be tamed.
While not the world's most technically adept guy, I can't see how any tubes could be causing your problem; they're only amplifying a signal, and this isn't microphonics from your description. Bob bundus' suggestions are a good place to start; perhaps switching speaker cable leads could tell you if perhaps one of them is acting as an antenna? I had an Audio Matiere amp in my home for audition once and had a similar problem I couldn't solve with line conditioners, Versa Woodblocks, ferrites or the like; one friend of mine thought it could be a grounding problem within the amp, but since it wasn't mine I didn't follow up on that one. You might ask your Jolida dealer about that, though. Good luck!
Lloyd Walker makes a kit that includes metal wrap and ground wires to place around miniature tubes that eliminate RF and microphonics.

This of course, assuming the radio signal is being picked up by small signal tubes and not through your interconnects or electrical system.

If these are 9 pin miniature tubes, there are also military RF shields that slip over the tube. The best ones include heat sink design.

I have a Walker kit that I bought some time back that I might consider letting you try. It does appear to be quite a bit of work to install, probably the reason I have not experimented with it.

The slip on RF shields would be the easy experiment, and I believe that BWS tube services has these in stock.

Here is his link:

here's hoping that future radio broadcasts be limited to your tuner.
Interesting, Albert, as I've never had a tube pick up RF--glad I saw your post, guess I've been lucky. Keithcady, do you have separate small signal tubes for each channel, perhaps if not in the preamp section maybe the amplifier section (I'm not familiar with the Jolida's circuit)? If so, switching them could probably tell you if the tube is causing the problem.