Amp Hum

I've got a B&K AV5000 Series II amp with a hum. It gradually builds up over about a 5 second period on startup. I've disconnected everything (preamp, speaker cables) and still the hum persists. I tried a different power cord (Shunyata Sidewinder), made sure everything else was off, tried a cheater plug, different wall socket... still have the hum. I tried the Monidal Magic thing for the cable, still the hum torments me. Is it time to take it in or am I missing something? Thanks-
Is the factory cord actually grounded i.e. a three pin connector ? If it isn't, you might have the polarity reversed on the plug or the outlet. This can introduce a hum into the amp which is then fed through the speakers. Sean
If everything is disconnected and you hear a hum from this unit, I beleive you may have a transformer hum. (a noisy transformer) In this case, it would be wise to discuss this with the amplifier manufacturer. cordially, Richard..
Can you hear the hum from the listening position or when you put your ear to the unit. If the latter is true this is normal. Steve
Definately call B&K they are more than happy to advise you on potential problems or even suggest a fix. They are only in NY and a pleasure to deal with. A hum that is isolated to the component can be two things... faulty ground or
bad or noisy transformer or power supply...
take the piece over a friends and plug it in... see what happens and if hum still persists.. call B&K.
Good Luck!
The suggestion of a faulty ground seems a likely possibility. With everthing unplugged except the amp, ground the amp from the ground of one of the RCA plugs to ground at the outlet. I had a Rowland 5 that had this problem. It was just a loose wire on the input of the IEC connector for ground. It also got worse over the first 20 seconds or so of warm up. I was rather surprised that the hum was so bad since the unit was effectively grounded through the interconnects and other equipment--but it was.