Perreaux P250 Problem

I have a broke down Perreaux P250 ,1 channel out.Could someone help me on were I might be able to get this fixxed.Preferably on the West coast .
Perreaux want's me to send it to them in Newzealand but as it won't be covered by warranty would prefer to have it fixxed closer to home .
If the P250 is anything like earlier Perreaux designs, the only fuses are located on the back panel. While i don't know if Peter Perreaux actually designed this unit or not, i know that he is not a "fan" of fuses or any type of protection circuitry due to the sonic degradation that takes place when such devices are used. As such, you might have a fuse for the mains and fuses for the rails on each channel. After that, you are relying on sheer "overdesign" to keep things from popping. A mishap such as shorting the speaker cables even momentarily can be quite costly though. Sean
Thank You For Your Help!
I have know idea why the one channel went .It still play's but with distortion , then bleads into the other channel after awhile .
Had it hooked up direct to a Cal. Audio Labs CD player with volume control built into the player . Maybe that caused the problem?
Had the amp into 2 service depot's both said it was a mosfet problem and had to wait for part's .Waited for 6 month's then picked up the amp then took it into a second service depot waited another 6 months it's home now just in storage .
Got the Amp fixxed buy your recomendation Jvia.Here is the E-Mail regarding the problem from Mike Zuccaro .
Got the Perreaux amp fixed. Spent a lot of time on this, found a
manufacturing problem- one of the driver xisitors was arcing to the heat sink
due to a tiny burr on the transistor. Very lucky it did not do a lot of
damage. I did not get a schematic.

I spend about 6 hours on this, (approx. $200 labor) + I got a bill for $35
from your shipper for customs duty. I'm going to research the shipping cost
today. Figure around $300 US total..
Mike Z.
the official repair & warranty facility in US in indeed DW Labs. Dan just did repair work for me & he is reasonable.
Mr. Dan Wergen
DW Labs
203 Eggert Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14215