Reasonable preamps with phono stage

Hi, thanks for taking the time to look. I just ordered a musical fidelity A3.2 preamp. I haven't heard it yet, but it probably should sound as goo as a3 which it replaces and it cand be had for >1500$. Am I mistaken but are ther very few preamps for less than 2k new that have a phono stage? MF is a company with a track record that is likely to be in business until the warranty runs out, but few other companies with those characteristics seem to "throw in a phono stage on their preamps. Why is that? Does everyone just want separate phono stages?
Too many people use CD only and do not want to pay extra for a phono stage they'll never use. A used Audible Illusions model 3A would have been a better choice if you do not object to owning a tube pre-amp. Not only is it superior to the MF as a pre-amp, but it comes with an excellent phono stage and a low pass filter. Of course it retails for $2295 to $2495 depending on vintage, which is why I suggest used. You can expect to pay $1100 to $1500 and they are built to last a lifetime.
I've owned a AI M3 and two M3a's. Clear, detailed, musical, full of authority. And it's fun to experiment with different tubes (tube set is not expensive). AI has been around forever, in audiophile years, and as far as I can tell is still very popular.
ps: you will need to be careful with an M3a in that the steps on the volume control are spaced widely apart. There are internal dip switches to lower the gain in the event the steps are too wide or gain too high.
pps: when you buy an M3a you have to choose whether to get the MM version (all tube) or MC version (tube with ss Curl board). The Curl board has slots to let you easily experiment with different loading. I have found this to be extremely important with MC cartridges. Many medium priced or even expensive external phono stages lack this feature for MC.
I second Hermans recommendation for the Conrad Johnson PV10B excellent tubed preamp with tubed phono stage. You simply will do no better for the price. The other suggestors are correct that CD is the medium of choice for most people; so why pay for something you will never use.
An ARC SP9 MKIII is an excellent performer with both line and phono stages. It can be purchased used for about $750.
Between a friend and myself, we've owned 4 difference versions of the Audible Illusions M3 and M3A. I paid from $600.00 for basic M3 up to $1200.00 for M3A/gold card. I bought the cheapest version just for giggles, not expecting it to out perform a SERIOUS preamp ( like one that costs
4 times as much! )I was shocked at how good the basic M3 sounded. I bought the other preamps expecting to be wowed
even further. Except for the phono stage difference of the John Curl gold card, I couldn't hear ANY differnce between
any of the difference I suggest
a basic M3 for minimum investment. Has anyone else found this to be true? Joe Novak