The Best Amplifier Ever ?

OK, let's get the straight scoop! Stereophile reviewers want to push the Halcro dm58 (and presumably the dm68) into a newly formed A+ category because it is the best amplifier ever. For a moment, let's assume something like a "best" can exist, at least for one person at a time. Is this the end for all other amps in the proximate price range? Paul Bolin used words like "jaw dropping" and "utter disbelief" -- Oh I know that journalists like that kind of thing, but Mr. Bolin basically says that nothing else comes close to comparison. No contest. Not in the same league. Even in Stereophile, I can't recall something quite that glowing (except maybe for the Boulder 2008 phono preamp). What do you think?
Zaikesman, no. But the technical measurement of an amp is one criterion of performance. Just one. There is no doubt in my mind that at the present time the HALCRO *measures* better than any other commercially built amp. IT could still sound like death in practice.

I generally have not liked the sound of *any* bipolar amp in years - I did not think they sounded good at all at the recent NYC Stereophile show (run with Eggleston speakers). In fact I left the room rather quickly, not knowing there was anything interesting or unique about the amp. If I had, I would have tried to find out if the designer was present, and talked to him about the amp - the sales guys were inarticulate (those that I had contact with) and the literature was obtuse and incomprehensible (no idea what they were doing from that).

After I read his patent I figured out what he was talking about. IMHO, run the thing from 220vac, not 110, btw.

Anyhow, there's no telling that low distortion will sound worth a damn, it frequently has not in the past.

But this one is scary low in distortion.
Best Amp a Stereophile reviewer has ever heard is a long shot from the worlds best amp. Ask him to mention the other 5 best he has heard or better all amps he has auditioned. I personally know of 5 better and I sold Halcro for 2 years.
HIFI farm can verify: servicing is always an issue. And I believe, if you open the damn thing you void the warranty, thus you would have to ship it overseas and wait for months for repair ,that does not sound like fun to me. That is why I stick to brands that sound good and whose service is good with good turn around time. Spectral and ARC are the TWO highend products I will stick with. You can say what you want about them, but I want a product that you know will turn on when you push the on button and not have to pray. I do not like to be the test bed of high end products.

Of course compared to amateur astronomy, waiting for an audio product to be shipped is a piece of cake! The waiting line for an Astro-Physics refractor(the premier small telescope manufacturer) is 4-5 YEARS; right now I ONLY have 2-3 years to go!!!