The Best Amplifier Ever ?

OK, let's get the straight scoop! Stereophile reviewers want to push the Halcro dm58 (and presumably the dm68) into a newly formed A+ category because it is the best amplifier ever. For a moment, let's assume something like a "best" can exist, at least for one person at a time. Is this the end for all other amps in the proximate price range? Paul Bolin used words like "jaw dropping" and "utter disbelief" -- Oh I know that journalists like that kind of thing, but Mr. Bolin basically says that nothing else comes close to comparison. No contest. Not in the same league. Even in Stereophile, I can't recall something quite that glowing (except maybe for the Boulder 2008 phono preamp). What do you think?
HiFi >>Anyone seen the reviewers new amps? I hate politics

So If I read this correctly, you are alleging that the reviewers got Halcros in response to writing a favorable review ????

Not sure I would call your statement "For entertainment purposes only"

Lots of high end gear get bought out, just look at the Harmon group with MAdrigal (Proceed, Levinson, Revel) and LExicon. S0 I don't unnderstand what you are aiming there either.. ???
The preceding nicely illustrates why there can never be a 'world's best' amp. After a certain level excellence is achieved, personal preferences will still always exist and prevail.
HiFi - no SS amp could ever do bells better on Quads than tubes, even an old Marantz 8B even my MC-60's, I know that like I know me. Ahhh.....bells, tubes and quads, now your talking :)

Rowland Model Twelves, at least in my system.

I'm actually starting to believe that we all have gone nuts and have and are paying far too much for what we get. There is really not that much difference today between moderately priced gear and super expensive stuff.

Will be trying out the new Parasound JC-1 monoblocks soon, that retail for $6,000 - well at least pricewise I'm headed in the right direction.