Need component recommendations for 1,000 system?

I want to put together a system for around $1,000. It will be in a 13x16x7.5 room. I listen to all types of music. I need it to be a DVD based system. Right now for the heart of the system I'm looking at a Sony DVD player that has SACD capability that I can pick up for $250. So I need recommendations for the amplification, speakers, interconnects and speaker wires. I know it's a tall order for $750 but I just wanted to know if quality audio can be had in this price range. Thanks for your help.
OK I expect someone to disagree with me but here goes…
Magnepan MMG: I got mine for $377, I’ve seen them for just under $350 on ebay.
Rotel/NAD/Adcom integrated or separates. ~$300. I would get as much amp as possible.
Interconects: I don’t know, I built my own.
Speaker Cables: Romex 12 gauge solid core

This may sound like a strange suggestion but I had a pair of MMGs that are now with my brother. They are incredible for voices (see my review). Really good speakers. Your room may not be big enough but if you can make them work, nothing under $(some big number here) will do voices as well. To bad the 1.6’s are 6 feet tall… but I degrees… These speakers do like current but they are not hard on amps thus you could look at low cost 4 ohm capable amps like some Rotel and NAD models. A Rotel 981 at 130wpc should have plenty of power. (There is one listed for $300 right now) Pair it up with a low cost pre-amp or a DVD player with volume control (not uncommon) and you wouldn’t need a pre-amp. If you need a preamp there is a Rotel 60wpc integrated on Audio gone right now. My brother is using a 55 wpc (110 wpc 4 ohms) with a pair of MMGs so 60wpc should be OK for lower volume listening.
As for cables… I did not hear big differences between wires with my MMGs. You can read the marketing hype about Maggie’s restive load blah blah blah. The same wires that made worlds of difference with my NHT’s made no difference with my MMGs. As for the interconnects, if you can solder visit If not, I’m not sure.

This is a system that should sound open and great with vocals. I would change my recommendations if you want booming bass.

Note to those who disagree… please be nice :)
The only comment I have about Nikki's response is to agree with the MMG's wanting current. I own the MMG's right now. I'm not thrilled with them however. I'm feeding them about 90 watts at 4 ohms and it just doesn't bring the speakers to life I don't think. Unless you can feed them tons of power, I would stay away from them personally. They also need to be pulled WAY out into the room to have a good soundstage and imaging. But if you want a transparent sound, by all means, jump on the maggies. You'll like them from that aspect.
B&W 303's ($300)are good but I would suggest at least comparing them to the B&W 601 series 3 ($450) and decide if the improvment is worth the money.
Greetings "Makersmark",

This is a challenge, but a fun one though! Let's see what we can come up with right here on AudiogoN (well, besides your CD/DVD/SACD player, almost everything).

Okay, so you already have your sights on an CD/DVD/SACD player. I will take a guess and say that it is the Sony DVP-NS755V | Black Single Disc Progressive Scan DVD/SACD | Save $50! Was $299.99, Now: $249.99 | Plus, get $50 toward Crutchfield gear! | Single-disc player • progressive-scan video output • 108MHz/12-bit video DAC • Precision Cinema Progressive de-interlacer with 3-2 pulldown processing • built-in Dolby Digital/DTS decoder • plays CD-Rs, CD-RWS, Super Audio CDs. From Crutchfield, right?

Now that that's out of the way, let's see what we can find for the rest of your system...

POWER AMP OPTION #1 - Audio Source AMP-2
POWER AMP OPTION #2 - Adcom 535 Mk II

LOUDSPEAKERS - JMlab Chorus 706
Make sure that the amplifier you choose is compatible with the MMGs.
SPKR OPTION - Paradigm Monitor 9
POSSIBLE OPT - Tyler Acoustics TRM

SPEAKER CABLES - D.H. Labs Silver Sonic T-14
Even costs less non-terminated.

INTERCONNECTS - D.H. Labs Silver Sonic BL-1 Series II

ACCESSORY OPTION - Audience Auric Illuminator

I hope you're having as much fun as I've had helping you put together a $1,000 system!

H a p p y s h o p p i n g !

Best regards,


"High End Audio That Is Music To Your Ears"
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I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtful recommendations. You've really given me a great deal to think about. I especially want to thank Donald at W Enterprises Northwest for all the work he put into his recommmendation. Anyone looking for a good dealer couldn't go wrong with Donald. I would also like to thank Celestial Audio for e-mailing me with a very generous offer. Another great dealer. I'll be sure to let everyone know what I decide.
Maybe a good thread to start would be for everybody to tell about their good experience with a dealer. After my experience here with two great guys I'm sure others have had similar experiences. Thanks again.