BAT or Levinson

Hi AuGoneRs,
I am currently using the BAT VK-60 amp with my dunlavy sc4.there ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with this combination.i love the way it sound and more,but i recently have the itch to try something else because i am still new to this audio hobby.The amp i was thinkking about is the ML 331.Can any one tell me what kind of changes am i expecting going from the BAT to the ML?is it worth it to give it a try?I am trying to avoid selling my Bat and purchase the ML and going back to the BAT later on..please help.thanks a bunch..
If you like what you have and have the itch to upgrade why not get a VK-75 or VK-75se?
I agree with Tireguy. If you like the sound of BAT, then it is better to move up the ladder than trying different manufacturers. However, if you are curious about what's available outside BAT, it is perfectly understandable also. In that case, if possible, you might want to keep your VK-60 around before getting a new amp. I've seen some people making "regrettable upgrades" that they ditched perfectly good gears just for the sake of trying new things.
The levinson sound is quite a bit off from the Bat sound. Expect to gain:
- (maybe) transparency (in a sense - more of a quiet background)
- detail, but perhaps a little more thrown at you.
- power and authority
- a little more brightness.
- A soundstage that is more precisely defined in 2d.
Expect to lose:
- Liquidity
- a fair amount of the 'life to music' that tubes, and
especially BAT amps provide.
- The soundstage will be a little less 3d.
- Bat/Tubes wonderful instrument timbre and harmonic overtones.

I prefer BAT equipment to levinson, but lots of people of people feel the opposite. Both are superb products. I think you are on the right track to keep your existing equipment so you can a/b them. Dunlavy's are a little laid back, so maybe the Levinson will offset this. Make sure that you give yourself ample time (a week or two) to become accustomed to the levinson amp's sound.

Go ahead and try one - it's a HOBBY !
What's the rest of your setup? A 2nd vk60 or a vk75se might be a better way to go. John_1 has a pretty good post. And, as you can see, I agree with the others too.

I just upgraded a vk60 to 75se. You gain transparency, detail, power, authority, tightness, quietness. Loose a little bit of warmth, but get much deeper, extended bass. The gains are leaps, not little things.

I am curious what else you have...