Bruce Moore Tube Amps

Does anyone have direct experience with Bruce Moore amplifiers? I'm thinking about purchasing a "Dual Mono 70" to replace an ARC VT100 Mark 2 that I own. I'd appreciate any feedback about the amp in general, or a comparison between the two. Thanks.
Thanks for the info Smerkle. As I get deeper into this hobby I'm starting to find that I like resolution and detail, but not at the price of musicality. It sounds like the Bruce Moore line might be a direction I may be taking. Once I get the cash. Thanks for tube rolling tips.
No problem Gunbei. You won't regret your choice if you go with the Bruce Moore gear!
This response may be a little late but I just recently purchased a Bruce Moore Dual 70 power amp and I wanted to add my impressions to this thread. I am in complete agreement with Smerkle regarding this terrific tube amp. After putting the Dual 70 into my system everything opened up musically. I could go on about greater depth, improved details, and richness of tone, but my greatest impression has been a profound enjoyment of music. I am trading sleep for late night hours with Ella, Sinatra, Basie, Coltrane, etc. Earlier on, after purchasing a pair of Talon Raven speakers (another great product) I was left feeling I was not getting the performance these speakers were capable of. Changing from adequate solid state to the Bruce Moore tube amp made these speakers really sing. This combination has been addictive, particularly with my analog rig. As Smerkle noted, you don't hear much about Bruce Moore products but they are well worth checking out. I also look forward to upgrading to the Bruce Moore preamp when the new model comes out with a phono stage. I purchased my amp from Bob Bergner at RB Audio. He is really an honest and good guy to work with. If you're in the market for a tube amp that has the magic that tubes seem to provide in the highs and mids but with balls on the bottom end too, and one that does not cost an arm and a leg, you just might want to give Bob a call. I'm glad I did.
News flash. Bob Bergner is still around, had a great conversation with his website is under constrction, but there is a email😳😳 Bergner 
He will be going over my Bruce Moore dual 70 and i may have him just look at magus A-2 preamp.