Amp upgrade recommendations

I am considering having a pair of DNA 0.5s upgraded to Rev A and converted to monoblocks to run balanced off of my BAT VK3i, which is driven by a CAL CL-10/Classe' DAC also running balanced. Speakers are Vandersteen 3Asigs. Or I could sell the amps and buy something else. The mono-block conversion and upgrade is $1800; amps would yield about $1400-1500.00 (one is already Rev B) if I sold them. Any thoughts on which route might be better? I do not want to get involved with a tube power amp. Thanks for your ideas.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xswampwalker
For the money,why not look at a Plinius SA-250,Pass X-350 or the newly listed MBL.You are going to want a fair amount of power for the Vandys.Going to a class A biased amp will be a revelation on these speakers.I like the Gamut amp,but you push it and it loses its' composure-I can see why it would work well with the VA 5s=powered bottom end.Happy hunting! Tom
I had a DNA 1 for about 2 years and it is a good amp.However it is not as refined or detailed as the Krell KSA 250 not even by a small margin and not as liquid or sweet as any of the Aleph series amps from Pass Labs. My suggestion would be to look for a used Plinius SA 100, similar in sound to the McCormick but much more refined ,Pass labs or a Krell KSA 250. These three amps have deeper sound staging than the DNA. I ve always found the DNA to be rahter forward in there presentation. All three of these amps are very versatile and flexible with a wide range of speakers I haved used them on Ribbons, Hibrids and Cone speakers with excellent results.
Consider a Classe CA-301 power amplifier. I believe about $5K --new. An amazing amplifier that sounds even better in balanced operation.

peter jasz
Consider a Classe CA-301 power amplifier. I believe about $5K --new. An amazing amplifier that sounds even better in balanced operation.

peter jasz
There appears to be some confusion with McCormack amps. I'm not exactly a McCormack amp expert but while thoroughly enjoying my own McCormack amplifier, I've done some research and had a few converstions with people in the know.

Here's how I see the McCormack line-up.

Several years ago Stereophile rated the unmodified DNA 0.5 (msrp around $2k) a competitive second to the Krell Audio Standard amp which sold for about $33k. Therefore, a modified DNA 0.5 Rev should be pretty fabulous sonically.

From what I've read and heard (from others) the DNA-1 and DNA-2 standard and deluxe version amps are fine amps but should in no way be confused with the same models once smcaudio has modified those amps to a Rev A.

According to reviews and consumer remarks, the DNA-125 and 225 models also appear to be solid performers. Whether these are better or worse than the DNA-1 and DNA-2 standard and deluxe models I don't know. My hunch is the DNA-1 and DNA-2 would be superior but it's just a hunch. The DNA-1 and DNA-2 models are at least more powerful wpc-wise than the later 125 and 225 models.

The DNA-2 LAE (Limited Anniversary Edition) amplifier is, according to IAR's Peter Moncrief, far superior to other DNA amps as well as most every other amp period. Moncrief said of this amp "This power amp does everything a solid state amp is supposed to do, and does it better than any other solid state."

My understanding, talking with McCormack and owners of the DNA-2 Rev A amps, is that a modified DNA-2 to a Rev A or Rev Gold version would put it's sonics equal to or just slightly ahead of the DNA-2 LAE version.