Pre-Amp sound similar to Conrad Johnson

Is there a preamp outhere that sound like conrad johnson warm smooth and sweet but still have the detail without sounding muddy but using xlr interconnect any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all the responses, yes looking for tube pre-amp current using bat vk-30se don't get me wrong but it is a beautiful sounding just looking for something more warmer and sweet, just wish the cj offer the xlr but they are very stubborn.

Why what is the big deal about XLR? If you enjoy the CJ sound then enjoy it and don't worry about XLR/RCA.

I have also been taken in by the CJ sound. Almost bought the LS16...Until I heard the Pass Labs X-1 pre. At its price-point it is every bit as sweet as the corresponding CJ, but is MUCH clearer, more detailed and open, and thrives on balanced interconnect. My opinion, of course.
Hello Goone, Why not have your 30se upgraded to the 31se? It will give you what you're looking for and more! Two months ago I had my 50se upgraded to the 51se and the difference to me was mucically profound. The upgrade was staggering in my opinion and worth every penny. Good luck, Tom