Equipment Break-in: Fact or Fiction

Is it just me, or does anyone else believe that all of the manufacturers' and users' claims of break-in times is just an excuse to buy time for a new users' ears to "adjust" to the sound of the new piece. Not the sound of the piece actually changing. These claims of 300+ hours of break-in for something like a CD player or cable seem outrageous.

This also leaves grey area when demo-ing a new piece as to what it will eventually sound like. By the time the break-in period is over, your stuck with it.

I could see allowing electronics to warm up a few minutes when they have been off but I find these seemingly longer and longer required break-in claims ridiculous.
Actually, I sometimes prefer the sound of a component when I first put it in the system to after it's been in for a while. (This my be related to "change" and not to break in per se.) With cables, for example, I have had the experience of making a change and feeling it was revolutionary ("Now I see what I've been missing all this time!!!" blah blah), only to wake up the next morning to a system that sounds rather unremarkable. I think there is a huge amount of psychology going on with much of what we hear in our audiophile adventures.
Drubin .. sometimes changing cables can improve the connection. A connection left in place for a long time can be prone to oxidation and dirt. I have had this experience once or twice when my system has had to be moved after several years of no changes. Also cleaning terminals with contact cleaner and replacing cables can have a profound effect.

Last link i posted was wrong this one should work.
The author brings up some good points.
A good friend of mine decided to have an upgrade and purchased a Naim system (5 series, pre and power, CD and flat cap) rushed back from the shop, plugged it into his existing Castle speakers in the hope of audio nirvana. It sounded appalling. We both sat there open mouthed in disbelief. He was so upset he contacted Naim who told him it would take up to 1 month (24hr's a day) to sort itself out. 12 months later and it still does'nt sound perfect to my ears.
Mrd, thanks for your honest and incredible story. Naim should back their stuff up and give the gut a full refund. Yes, every lab should be fair in what they sell. Why? For all their GIGANTIC HYPE, they and the "hi-fi" mags print out. Of course a 25% return fee is reasonable. ...Where's Bwhite when our camp needs him most. We could use some reinforcements. Hey Marakanetz very good, easy to understand explanations. Truth will prevail.