Any experience with the Pass Labs Aleph 5???

I have heard many good things about the Pass Labs Aleph 3 and 5 amps but they are not sold near where I live. With this being the case I wonder if any of you AudiogoNers can tell me about your experience with them?
I am particularly interested in the fact they use only two gain stages and I wonder what others have thought of this approach as opposed to other solid state amps. I currently own the Aragon 8008st.
Thanks for your help.
We have used these for many years for our demos at CES.They sound great and clearly much better than the Aragon which definitely sounds good itself. The Pass amps seem to combine a lot of the liquidy musical aspects of tubes with balls and of course are much more real world.
until someone gives me live music at home on demand the Aleph 5 will suffice. Unless you need 250 + Watts this should do it.

One of the best amps I had, especially in the midrange. I had it paired with an Aleph P & it was magical on female vocals & jazz. It didn't work like I wanted it to on rock so I sold it, but for anything else it's hard to beat.

As far as the cicuit topology goes, check out this link:

This is the owner's manual which gives you a lot of info.

If you need to contact somebody at Pass, check this out:

Peter Perkins could help you with additional info.
The Aleph 5 is a wonderful amp, but it may not have enough power to fully drive your Sony speakers. I use the Sonys in my bedroom system and I consider them a very good speaker and one of the hidden treasures of high end audio, but they like power (100w and up). In a small to mid-sized room with the volume kept below 90dB, the Aleph/Sony combo could sound quite good.