Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Thankyou so very much Tonykay, I take unbelievable shitt for doing this thread of Tara labs, I am so grateful for your response, thankyou from the bottom of my heart!
@tonykay. You are so right. It goes on and on. @audiolabryinth. Hey if tara labs gets you to your musical happy place then so be it. Enjoy it!!!!! Different things will get our different ears where we want to be. Your system is your system regardless of if someone else likes it.
Geoffkait, you may be correct, I was not aware that eight-nines copper was so wide spread, however, the implentation of the conductor and dielectrics is everything, other wise, how can tara Labs charge so much money for their cables?, there has to be more to this!, I know what I hear at my home, I appreciate what Tara labs brings to my life!
I cannot understand as to why the subject I posted did not have value, Instead I caught shitt for the post I got from Tara labs web-site!, concering the Tara labs generation 3 conductors, I thought I was bringing something to the table here for the public!, I did not know that the real world was this EVIL!
Hi calvinj, what have you decided to put together for your new system?, any ideas yet?