Ray Lumley M100 tube amps

Anybody knows anything about these old amps?
I understood that they weren't bad and would drive low z
ineficient speakers with ease. Also, now would be really
low priced. Haven't seen too many arround thou...Thanks!
Hmmmm, that was some time ago, or is my memory failing me? The ones with kt88's & a grille that looked like an army field transmitter? They were "powerhouses" of the time?

If so, I had heard a "re-capped" pair years ago driving dynamic speakers (no recollection of speakers, just the Lumleys -- a good sign), and I *do* remember a lush, expansive sound that was VERY enjoyable. I don't remember being stricken by detail & upper end extension and I THINK we were driving them with a DNM pre (which is quite detailed).
I suppose I haven't really answered yr question, well...
Ooops, just remembered the speaker & pre: Apogee Stages, DNM 6A and long DNM I/Cs, very short speaker cables (don't remember those (silver Kimber? was ther such a thing?).
I know that this really late but I just checked this section of Audiogon. I have a pair of Lumley Signature Reference 150 watt monoblocks (from England, not imported) and I have had them now for 10 years. I used them once upon a time with Apogee Stages (really inefficient speakers that went down to 2 ohms!) and they never burped, clipped or made any fusses at all. Friends were amazed at the magnificent sound from these amps, and they have been more reliable than any of the solid state amps I have had.

I do not believe many were imported or sold in the USA. I received mine from a man who brought these over from the U.K. when he moved back to the USA. Powerhouses they are, but not at the expense of warmth, transparency or just plain musicality. Find a pair and but them! You won't be sorry.
I have a pair of M250's (not the ones with the gold face plate, and gold caps on the tyranny's). All black, no face plate one of 2 pairs that made there way into the US. One pair went to someone in FL I believe the other went to Jonathan Valin for review. Those are the ones I have. Would you have any interest in them. I'm selling at a very reasonable price in an attempt the upgrade my Audio Research LS2B MK II to a SP 10 MK II. I Have a D-115 that doesn't sound quite as good as the Lumleys but with the additional openness and overall strengths of the SP 10 I think that I could live very happily with it.

