Transitioning: back to solid state....

Quandaries and time consuming frustrations...

This is a derivative of one of those tube vs. solid state amps. And, good god, I never thought I'd start one of these types of threads.

I've started some pretty stupid threads on audiogon, but this one might take the cake.

Anyways, after clicking my virtual system link, you are well aware that the centerpiece of my system is the not-so-reviewed and not-so-popular, the lowest of the low of all ARC amps, the CA50 integrated amp.

It is my first tube component, and I am in the process of replacing it. Tubes are simply a hassle for me, and, being too ignorant to know how to bias tube amps, I'd rather get a solid state. This way, I won't have to worry about purchasing megabuck NOS tubes or having to replace worned out tubes. Oh, and I'd love to leave the amp on ALL da time.

I've collected quite a lot of data in my cerebral databank about the solid state amps capable of replacing tube ones and are under $2000 used. The hit list includes Pass Alephs 3 or 5, 47 Labs' Gaincard, Bel Canto Evo 200.2, and Spectron's Troubador.

One observation I made when doing my research, besides the Spectron, Pass, 47 Lab and Bel Canto has received tons of reviews from professionals and amateurs alike with a one standard deviation of the population favoring each of these (That is about 95%). A great deal of these reviewers, including the professional ones, even tout these solid state amps as comparable or better than megabucks solid state amps and capable or residing comfortably in a tube lover's system as well.

With all this in mind, I've made the assumption/fallacy that I can replace my modest lowest end ARC amp with one of the fabulous solid state amps with improved sonic quality and ergonomics as well.

Assumptions, hypothesis, fallacies, whatever, they need to be tested, and, today, I did just that. I plopped down hard earned college tuition on one of the solid state amps that is mentioned.

What do you think is the result?
Sorry Viggen, I too somehow got the idea your CA50 was a power-amp and not integrated. My bad. This has become a pretty lengthy thread so I guess I missed that detail. I still stand by everything else I've offered thus far, especially the idea that you'll make a more significant improvement changing your top-end than you will changing your amp. Also, take things said here, as well as on AudioAsylum with a grain...or rather a bag of salt! Again, personal preferences, your listening room and your system synergy is going to make all the difference, and only you are the best judge of all those factors together. But there is certainly much to be gained from paying attention to the experience of others in a broader sense. My ARC LS2B (GNS modified) sounds fabulous with the push/pull amps in my work system. But it sounds too analytical when combined with my SET amps in my home system - there I much prefer my Cary SLP-50A (which in turn does not sound as good in my work system). I'm going to contradict myself here, but the single BEST improvement I've made in over twenty years of this addiction we share, was going from SS to tubes. The most profound component improvement though, was in swapping out my digital top-end to a Muse transport/DAC combo (which is still giving me much pleasure even though it is outdated at this point). That is followed closely by moving from Pentode and push/pull tube amps, to 300B SET amps (Audio Nirvana for me!). This is why I encourage you not to give up the tubes so readily. You could probably spend less than a semester's of that tuition money on an all-in-one or transport/dac combo which will take your system to a whole other level of listening pleasure. I like the Muse gear, but there are many alternatives from the likes of BAT, Cary, Audio Aero, Audio Note as well as others....well, there's a whole other thread topic there!
Hi Jax,

Actually, a few months back, I did consult with Steve at Great Northern about modifying the CA50 over a few emails. He provided me with information regarding upgrading caps and wires and such, and he asked me to give him my system and room dimensions and such, and I did, but he neglected to follow up after the long weekend. Not saying it was his fault, but I really wasn't ready to plunk down money on a modification since they don't retain their value over time.

The cost of the modification is very prohibiting, although, not entirely unaffordable. It all depended on whether I am determined to stay with the CA50 or go with a solid state alternative. If I do decide to stay with the CA50, I do intend to make a few modifications to the CA50 such as installing a removeable IEC bay such as the modification Maxgain has done for his ARC pre.

Regarding digital front end, yup this is a whole new can of worms. Personally, I've only recently upgraded from a Cal Labs' Delta and Alpha combo to the Meridian combo, and the Meridian pretty much obliterated the Cals in my opinion. That being said, I haven't auditioned any of the newer CD players. Reasons oh reasons... there are lots..

Again, I would love to shift to a solid state pending if I can be happy with one.
Yes, I think Steve (Huntley) is pretty swamped over there at times, and neglects follow-ups (or just doesn't have the time). I had a similar experience trying to ask a few questions and really had to keep trying. All I can say is that the mod was worth it to me, and Steve is a really nice guy to talk to and clearly knows his stuff. He did get the mod done on time too. You're right about the mod being a significant investment that you will likely not get much of back, unless you happen to get lucky. I guess that's the trade-off. I went with the $725 standard mod and it definitely made a big difference to my ears. It included an IEC bay and allowed me to use a premium power cord too. You can drop quite a bit more cash at GNS to get some pretty trick mods done. Well, good luck with the solid state....I hope you find what you're looking for!
Ok, Viggen, in nearly 30 years of fooling with this I have had ten different power amps. I am not one of those who changes amps like underwear. I had the amps I was using a year ago for 15 years!
Hey Max, now I just need 29 more audiophiles fessing up to how many amps they've owned because you need at least 30 respondants to form a decent sampling distribtion.

Just a recap; I've had SS amp #1 in my living room for 80 hours now. At about 77 hrs, which was 3 hrs ago, I figure the amp finally warmed back up. It sounded full and detailed with tons of bass. In fact, a bit too much bass for me. So, I swapped out the Virtual Dynamic P2 PC and replaced it with a bass light Mapleshade PC. The amp suddenly started breathing. In other words, all the good stuff happened: sound stage, air, detail, and stuff. Previously, I thought the Mapleshade was the inferior PC. This goes to show, it's all about synergy.

Anyhow, I then went into my tool box and dug out two pairs of Mapleshade ICs. I first replaced the Harmonic Tech's Silway mk2 with a pair of Mapleshade. The same effect increased as when swapping powercords. Then, I removed the Alpha Core XLRs that I use as digital between the 3 digital devices I have, and replaced them with another pair of MapleShade ICs. You guessed it, much more of the same. But, most importantly, the vocals are no longer cold. The vocals aren't quite as intimate as when played through the CA50, but now it has more air, detail and presence.

The next thing I did was remove the 518 from the chain, thus the transport is directly connected to the dac via one Mapleshade IC. Boy, the chest thumping bass reduced to almost normal. And, vocals and melody are now flowing.

I still prefer the vocals on the CA50, but, everything else, the SS amp #1 is better. I also moved the speakers 2 inches farther from the wall, and this reduced the chesty bass by a bit. But, it is still more prevalent compared to the CA50.

I'd say I am almost there. But, SS amp #2 should arrive in a few days...