Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?

Many have asked which amp works best with the Magnepan MG 3.6/R, but I haven't seen a good response yet. Can anyone assist me?

My current short list includes the Classe CAM 350, Nelson Pass X250, Belles 350A, and Theta Dreadnaught II. Which one would you choose?

My system includes: Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D CD player, Klyne 7LX3.5 solid state preamp, a pair of Cambridge SoundWorks Newton P-1000 subwoofers, and Analysis Plus Crystal Oval 8 cabling. I listen to classical music and jazz.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Woolcott Presence are EXCELLENT with 3.6. Recommend anyone with Woolcotts with Sovtek outputs (which I don't think Woolcott uses anymore) should definitely retube. Electro-harmonix EL34 available @ TheTubeStore.com sound wonderful and are cheap. Also found upgrading 6922s made big difference. (This turned out to be more about Woolcotts than 3.6. Couldn't help it; I think Woolcotts are unmatched at price, and maybe at many times price.) Also found Goetz Python AG2 great match for 3.6 (can only speak how they work with Woolcotts, other amps???).
I was using a Jadis Defy 7, but didn't like it. I traded it for a Levinson 334. That was much better. It actually sounded more tube like in tonal character than the Jadis. As an additional benefit, the speaker sounded as it was being controlled better also. Transients were tighter and quicker (yet it exhibited no solid state nasties), and the overall tonality was warmer, textures were more fleshed out, and the bass was way, way much better than with the Jadis. I do think, however, that it is just a bit under-powered for the 3.6's (I'd like to hear the 335 or the 336).
In addition, I am running an Audio Aero Capitole MK II directly into the amp with wonderful results. I did try using a tubed preamp (CJ Premier 17LS), but running it directly into the amp improved everything! It really was a no brainer (preamp vs. no preamp)!!
Bottom line, if your room isn't too large, and you don't listen to the Maggies too loud, the Levinson 334 may be just fine, but you may, like me, find yourself wanting more power.
I ran my Maggies 3.3's with Audio Research gear. I had the tube amps bi-amped with a D-240 Audio Research solic state on the bottom end. Was never quite satisfied. When I wnet to 2 solid state amps a A. R. D240mkII top and one on the bottom end. It all came together for me. I later bought a D400mkII. The two D240's sounded better, cleaner, clearer than one big amp. But the big N on the bottom worked quite well. Used Audio Research LS2B MK II pre.
Has anyone tried B&K 4420 amps on 3.6 maggies? It is 220 watts and high currentI know it is not in the class of the other amps mentioned but I am considering buying the 3.6's and have this amp.Not enough funds to upgrade amps at this time.I am using an ARC LS2 preamp. Thank you for your responses.
I recommend the Ayre V5X. It has great bass control with a deep, real bass presentation (not punchy or bloated). This amp makes me smile and gets my toes tapping. It seems to love the Magiies and the Magiies love it.
