What is the best amplifier for Rockport speakers?

I am interested in viewpoints on power amplifiers for Rockport Technology speakers (Merak, Antares or Hyperions).
having had tenor 75wis',that were superb with my piega p-10s,i would have said that they were the best until i traded up for a goldmund 29m amp.it is much better then the tenor amp,imo.if you are considering speakers in that price range i would definately hear the goldmund 29m,somehow.it is powerful enough to drive any speaker but has the best,quickest bass i have heard.it also is as beautiful in the mids and highs as the tenors are.good luck
Ban- At this perfomance and price level, there will likely be several great amps that should work well with any of the Rockport speakers, both solidstate and tubes. It will depend on your personal preference as to which camp to consider. For my preferences, auditioning considerations would include WAVAC 833 SET monos. However, room and system consideration might dictate another solution. Enjoy!
The Tenor's are the absolute best match for the Rockport speakers. Andy Payor himself uses them and says he has never heard anything like them before. The Rockport's thrive on the speed and clarity of the Tenor's. I have heard so many other amplifiers and none are like the Tenor's, with the right speakers.

Rockport, of course, will be driving their speakers at CES with the Tenor 75Wi OTL's.
I have used Rockport Syzygys for about ten years now which use a smaller midrange and woofer than the Antares....The Antares seem to be (have only heard them at shows) more musical than my smaller model used full range (I normally use Entec woofers with the Syzygy)....If you want tubes then the Tenors work fine with the Antares, but would go for more power with the Merak/Sheritan or Hyperions....I have had two preamps customers who used the Antares and one liked the Tenors and the other used a Rowland Model 10....

Could you please tell us about the new Tenor amps coming out?

Thank you