What preamp for my Shahinians?

I am driving my Shahinian Diapasons with a Rotel 380/channel solid state amp. I could spend up to about $6000 on a preamp. So far the ones I have heard in my system were not that impressive. (I currently have a Belles solid state).
The Plinius CD-LAD didn't sound as good as the Belles. The Hovland HP 100 had great mid-range but rolled off the bass too much and had tube ringing at high volumes.
It seems like finding the best preamp might take a long time. Can anyone suggest a pre-amp that might be good in my system? If your not familiar with Shahinian, I'd say they sound like Quad 988's but have more bass and play louder.
I think you'd be wiser to divide that 6K between a new amp and preamp. You could certainly do a lot better than that Rotel to drive your Shahinians. Maybe a BAT tubed pre and solid state power amp combo might be good. I'm sure others will have suggestions also, good luck.
Have to agree with Jond. 6k would get you some great gear.

Years ago I auditioned a Cary pre & the salesman had it hooked to some Cary amps. When he came back in the room after awhile & asked me how it sounded I told him it was fantastic but he was "cheating" by using the Cary amps-way better than the Adcom I had. He switched to a Rotel amp & the soundstage collapsed, the sweetness all but disappeared...what I'm getting at is the Shahinian's will sound way better on better electronics.

I had some Shahinian's about 20 years ago & thought they were great. Would love to hear some on my Pass/Ayre gear now.
Of course, it depends on what you are seeking, but based on what you said about the Hovland, have you considered the Placette Active line stage? I believe there's a used one still for sale on agon for $3500 or new at $5000. The detail, dynamics, transparency, and resolution are supposedly second to none.

And the fact that you have the Rotel amp, which is known to be a very nice amp, yet a bit on the warm/dark side of life, the Placette could be the perfect compliment.