What makes more sense?

I was thinking about my next upgrades. What makes more sense:
Tube preamp with ss amp
ss preamp with tube amp.

I want to introduce tubes into my system, but I do some hometheatre also. My speakers are 87db sensitivty.

Thinking about getting a SF line one and a Musical Fidelity A3.2CR power amp.
What do you think?
Currently have sonus faber speakers, B&K reference preamp.
A tube preamp with SS amp will cost you a lot less in tubes. Tube amps burn through tubes much faster than tube preamps.

I agree with KF, especially because 87 db is a good reason to go with a SS amp and tubed pre. The combo you mentioned sounds intriguing. Haven't heard the MF, but the SF Line 1 is a nice preamp.

A tubed preamp will give you that tooby sound and a solid state amp will provide slam and control of your speakers- at 87db, you could use a little oomph to get them going. Preamp tubes are also much cheaper than power tubes and last longer too.
Several years ago I was in the same position. I wanted to try tubes but I was not sure which arrangement worked best. After a little thought I bought a Counterpoint Tube pre-amp and ran it with a couple of different SS amps. It gave the sound described by Banksfriend. The smooth tube sound without the lack of bass some people talk about.
I enjoyed this setup for about five years before giving up on tubes but I would not try to discourage you from trying the same thing. It might be the perfect sound for your ears.
I just got tired of the tube maintenence.
Good luck and have fun!
Hi Musiqlovr, IMO, a tube amp with SS pre would be my choice. some SS amps do not always work well with with tube preamps. You will have more magic of what tubes offer with the tube amp than the tube preamp. The Cary V-12 and the Music Reference RM-200 are very reliable. Very different in sound but you should have no problems with tubes. Both have proved to be hassle free. The same thing can be said of many other tube amps. Should problems happen with SS you may find it more trouble and expensive than with a tube amp. Hope what ever you choose will give you much enjoyment.