What makes more sense?

I was thinking about my next upgrades. What makes more sense:
Tube preamp with ss amp
ss preamp with tube amp.

I want to introduce tubes into my system, but I do some hometheatre also. My speakers are 87db sensitivty.

Thinking about getting a SF line one and a Musical Fidelity A3.2CR power amp.
What do you think?
Currently have sonus faber speakers, B&K reference preamp.
Hi Musiqlovr, IMO, a tube amp with SS pre would be my choice. some SS amps do not always work well with with tube preamps. You will have more magic of what tubes offer with the tube amp than the tube preamp. The Cary V-12 and the Music Reference RM-200 are very reliable. Very different in sound but you should have no problems with tubes. Both have proved to be hassle free. The same thing can be said of many other tube amps. Should problems happen with SS you may find it more trouble and expensive than with a tube amp. Hope what ever you choose will give you much enjoyment.
With lot's of homework and perhaps some trial and error, you may not have to worry too much whether it's tubed or solid state.

Hopefully the goal is that the resulting sonics will sound like neither.

Some tube equipment can sound like solid state and vice versa.

But tubed equipment generally requires more involvement and more maintenance than solid state equipment.

I've gone from ss pre / ss amp to tube pre / ss amp to tube pre / tube amp to finally ss pre / tube amp. I am most happy with the ss pre / tube amp combination. Good tube amps and a very clear, detailed ss preamp fit my personality best. Of course, it all depends on the exact equipment and your listening tastes.

Good luck,

Personally, I did not like a tube pre with SS amp, hated it actually. I highly suggest picking up the Musical Fidelity A3.2 preamp, you'll love it. The Musical Fidelity A3 amp may not have enough power for your speakers (it didn't with mine, also 87dB sensitivity, but I play very loud, dynamic and bass heavy music), unless you can run with 2 of them, in which case I suggest you pick up the amps as well and prepare to be impressed. I would also highly suggest the Odyssey Stratos amp as well, 2ch or monoblocks.
While mating a tube pre with a solid state amp has the advantages previously mentioned, it should be noted that you will have a greater challange matching impedances with that combination. It can be done.