'semi-budget' amps for Platinum Audio Solos

I am new to the higher end of audio and am wondering what peoples' suggestions for a nicely-capable and full-sounding integrated amp would be for the Solo's. I stumbled into a fantastic deal on a pair of these wonderful speakers locally, and could not pass them up. But they reveal the shortcomings of my NAD 7600 receiver, which has been raved about for its own strengths. Guess the speakers deserve something in the next league. However my budget is limited. I would like to find something used in the $500-750 range. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've seen some very favorable reviews for integrateds like: Musical Fidelity integrated, Creek, Plinius (out of price range I think), Bryston...but Unison research SR1 REALLY INTRIGUED me. Anyone have experience with that one? The solo's are about 84-86db sensitivity, so take a bit of power. The Unico by Unison looks good too. But are these enough power? And does quality of the watts make up somewhat for less power? Any thoughts? Thanks, Chris.
I have the solos as you can guess from my moniker. For integrateds, forget it! They need a ton of power. I have had the musical fidelity amp running them....I DONT Recommend it! After going through several pieces...I would recommend a PARASOUND HCA-1000a or larger Parasound amp.

I went through several integrateds and several amps in the "inexpensive" price range and the only one to cut it was the HCA-1000a for about $250 used ($600 new)...I think there is one here now on Agon. Run, dont walk to this one. Then get an inexpensive premap to go with it, maybe an ACURUS RL-11 or RL-10 for about $200, or an older CARY preamp. You won't be dissapointed!

By the way, I have kept my solos through my stereo upgrading, now running a Pass X150...oh so magical!

Email for further details if you wish.
Don't go cheap on the pre-amp. Try a passive (check with manuf. of your amp and CDP for imp. matching) and if this doesn't work, buy the best pre-amp you can afford. If you need time to save for a good one, pick up a used Creek OBH12 (list $350) which is a very good remote controlled passive. Pre-amps matter a great deal so don't scimp at this point.
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I plan on researching for a while more...I seem to have now become unexpectedly drawn into the world of audiophile upgrade fever!! How does this happen??!! ;) Chris.
try the denon pma-2000ivr it is rated at 80 watts per but can put out 120 amps pof current. it retails for $1200 new but i saw it somewhere on the web in the 7-800 dollar range with shipping included.
This is how upgrade-itis starts, buying one component that needs a better component to sound its best, then continue leap-frogging for years.
BTW, find that quality of power is as important as quantity with the Solos. I'm presently using an Aloia inductive 30-watter that sounds magnificent with the Solos, better than my Bel Canto Evo in many ways, except maybe a little closed-in.
I'd also look at McCormacks.