Integrated Amp advice please someone help me


I'm in deep "analysis paralysis" and can't seem to pull the trigger on a new integrated amp. Would love to hear your opinions... i'd like to spend no more than $700...

I'm considering:

Creek 4330 (used)
Arcam a65plus (new)
Rotel RA-02 (new)
Musical Fidelity A3 (Kevin @upscale sez a good match and he's selling em' for $850. a bit too rich for my blood though)
Roksan Caspian (used)
Audio Refinement Complete (if i can find one used)

My system now:
NAD 3020a (old, ailing, on its last leg)
Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CDP (brand new)
Clarity Labs Emberglow ICs
Beovox s45 speakers (From the 70s, soon to upgrade)\


(i listen to every concievable kind of music. Ideally i'd love to achieve a significant improvement over the NAD)
Ag insider logo xs@2xthumper_1
Contact me regarding my LFD Mistral SE integrated. It's $1500 new, I'm going to post it for $750 used in a couple of weeks when I return from travel. It's liquid, sweet, easily competes with some $3000 integrateds. I think only the Musical Fidelity might be in the same league, of the ones that you mention. It's just a bit more than you want to pay BUT should retain its value and provide you a lot of pleasure.
Consider also the rc03/rb03 pre-power amp from rotel.Its a little bit more expensive than ra-02 but cheeper than mf3.2(if you want to buy something better only the mf3.2 is worthy from your list).I own this pair for 10 months now(600 hours) and its a very good combination.Plenty of power and analysis,very good dynamics,very wide and fare deep soundstage.I use it with correct polarity,different wall outlet from digitals,antivibration cones and AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!

Add Audio Aero Prima int. amp to the list. It is a hybrid amp with a 6922 or ecc88 tube and mosfets out at 50 watts. I bought mine used for what you are looking spend last year. They rarely do come up for sale used, probably cause they are a smooth sounding amp, but when one does, it usually goes quick. Go to the web-site or call the distributer for info. Good luck with your search.
The Exposure 2010, is a great unit for the bucks...or the Rega ...had the Jolida, and it didnt last 2 weeks in my system....even changed tubes more than once..not my cup of tea...