Entry level tube amp to try

Sometime this spring I'll be upgrading, and I would like to hear what the "tube" sound is like. I currently have a rotel rb1080/krell krc-3 pre combo which I'm somewhat happy with, but I would like a fuller sound with more body.
I was thinking of getting an anthem amp-1 to try,just to get a feeling of what tubes sound like,but would like some input if this would give me a fair idea of the different type sound you get from tubes. Then when I upgrade, I'll no whether I might want to go tube or s.s.
I don't want to go demo anything at a retail store,because I'll probably buy here. thanks for any help
I, like many others here have owned many amps, both SS and tubes. Way to many to mention but most of the top brands. For me tube amps are the only way to go. There are a number of good tube amps and a few great ones. In my opinion the Aronov's are one of the great ones and will serve you well for many years. After so many amps I found the Aronov LS 960 to be the one for me. As others have stated, like a Jadis with bass! Those that own them seldom let them go and will sing their praises if asked. Great for tube rolling as well as the LS 960's can take 6550, KT88's or KT90's and are self biasing.
If you want to continue your quest by reading other people's opinions you now have accumulated three "votes" for the Aronov amps. You might want to talk to two dealers who have sold, and used themselves, Aronov. Jim Kean of Audio Essence in Georgia sold me my Aronov integrated years ago, and the owner of A Sanctuary of Sound ( or something close to this name) sang the praises of Aronov sometime last year. Both can ease your mind that you are not being too hasty to decide on Aronov. Aronov sells by word of mouth as current owners usually find that this small company has calmed their audiophile restlessness.
I had an Aronov preamp with about $200 worth of upgrades. This was about 8 years ago. It made my CAT preamp sound like a little kitty while the Aronov roared like a lion. Sold the CAT MK whatever, had a much better preamp and a few hundred extra $$$.
While they may be a bit dated, I think the Quicksilver mono's have to be considered the classic entry level tube amp(S).
I just bought a CJ MV-60... and liking it a lot. I'm discovering all kinds of music that has been burried in my CDs..